St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Welcome to St Joseph's website

Year Four

Year Four

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Mrs Robinson, Miss Clarke and Mrs Maguire welcome you to Year 4. 

 In Year 4, the expectations of you have grown. We now anticipate that you will be able to work quietly and independently as well as sharing your ideas and thoughts with your partner and with the whole class. It is expected that you apply knowledge across subject areas, make decisions and have an opinion.


Our faith is at the forefront of all we do, in order to follow the path that Jesus showed us. We expect you to be respectful and patient with each other, work and play together and inspire and encourage each other everyday. Year 4 are able to lead prayer in the classroom and live out our Christian values in all that we do and say. You can earn classdojos for good work, effort and setting a good example to others.


We learn about a number of exciting topics which include our History topics: The Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and the history of the Railway. In Geography we learn about the World, Settlements, Mountains, Rivers, International Trade and Transport and in Science we learn about Animals including humans, Electricity, Conservation, States of Matter, Habitats and Sound. We develop our Art skills further throughout the year in our sketchbooks and have 3 D&T weeks each year working towards a mini project.


We require you to be more ambitious with your reading at home and at school. Following on from this, we encourage you to be courageous with your writing and the vocabulary you choose to use. We study exciting books including: The Iron Man, Romulus and Remus, The Abominables, James and the Giant Peach and Arthur and the Golden Rope. We use these texts to help us develop our sentence types and spellings.


Our Maths lessons are becoming more challenging now and we will start applying our previous learning to new contexts and problems. We require you to practise, practise, practise those times tables, they are invaluable within our Maths work from now on! By the end of Year 4 you should be able to recall each one up to 12x12 in 6 seconds.


 Important information about our week:


  • PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please remember to come to school in your PE kit.
  • We read and change our reading books on Mondays however it is really useful if you have your reading book with you each day.


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