St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

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Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Catholic Life 23-24

Catholic Life


The school choir really enjoyed singing at the Parish "Forget me not" club!

Our Lady of Lourdes Pilgrimage


Well done to Year 2 for organising a cake sale to raise money for Marie Curie


Congratulations to the children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation today. 

Thank you and well done to our wonderful Year 6 who presented an assembly this morning highlighting the importance of Fairtrade followed by a coffee morning. Many thanks to all the families and parishioners who supported. We raised £45.63 for cafod!
Changing the food we buy and choosing products from Fairtrade companies is one of the ways we can help tackle poverty.

The Mini Vinnies sold their crafts at the Parish Table top sale and raised £80 which was sent to support the local Special Needs Adventure Playground!

Year 3 Stay & Pray:

Year 3 planned and led a beautiful prayer service for their parents. 



Well done to Rex and Bonnie who have completed a 5k walk for the National autistic society. We are all very proud of them! So far they have raised an amazing £180.

Happy Easter!
Well done to everyone who took part in the Easter egg hunt after Mass this morning and to the winners of the Easter bonnet parade!


What a lovely afternoon! Many thanks to everyone who supported out Lenten sale today. A special thank you to Miss Smith and Year 6 for organising such wonderful stalls to raise money for Father Hudson’s Care.

CAFOD Family Fast Day during Lent, 23rd February 2024


The whole school participated in a beautiful stations of the cross reflection this morning, remembering how Jesus suffered and died on the cross to save us.

"We love you Jesus and we thank you. You died on the cross for us.


Year 5 were fantastic litter pickers today!  They took part in the Great British Spring Clean visited Hednesford War Memorial to pick up litter. They were joined by Amanda Milling MP. 

If you want to protect our wildlife and the places you love this spring, join the Great British Spring Clean and pledge to pick up a bag of litter.

Years 1 and 3 have worked together and made Lent Kindness Jars. They have filled them with acts of kindness they will carry out during Lent. 1-3-24


We had a wonderful assembly this morning delivered by Jo from Fr Hudson’s Care. She told is all about their amazing work and how they help the homeless. We are already thinking about ideas for raising money during Lent to support this great charity!


We had a beautiful Mass in school this week to celebrate the feast of Candlemass. During the Mass Father Jeremy blessed the candles which were then placed on the prayer tables in the classrooms.

Thank you to all the children in Year 6 and Reception who came to Mass this morning. Such lovely reading and singing. It is always wonderful to join our Parish family. We lit candles and prayed for the victims of the Holocaust.  

Our Mini Vinnies group have been very busy today. They are making blankets for the residents of a local care home. 24-1-24

Multi Faith: The children enjoyed learning about other faiths. Key Stage 2 had virtual visitors who were friends of Father Jeremy's who told the children all about their faith. We all enjoyed sharing our learning in a whole school assembly!

Well done to Elliot who was received into the Guild of St Stephen on Boxing Day!

Autumn 2: Attentive & Discerning Virtue Awards

Well done to the winners of the Mini Vinnie's Raffle!

Well done to Year 1 who organised a “reverse advent calendar” during Advent collecting food and toys for our local food bank.

Reception Class Nativity 2023

Year 1 Nativity 2023

Year 2 Nativity Play 2023


Year 2 had a wonderful cinema afternoon with sweet treats to raise money for CAFOD World Gifts. They loved watching the film of their class text- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
They chose to spend the money they raised on helping three children learn to read. What an amazing thing to do during Advent- well done Year 2.

The children in Year 3 and the Mini Vinnies sang beautifully at the “Forget Me Not Club” at Our Lady of Lourdes church hall today! We are all very proud of them. 20-12-23


Key Stage 2 led a beautiful carol service in Church this evening. A wonderful opportunity to pause and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. 

 It was wonderful to have so many children, families and staff at our Bambinelli Mass this morning. It was lovely to be joined by pupils from Cardinal Griffin. Well done to all the children in Year 5 and those from Cardinal Griffin who read so beautifully. Father Jeremy blessed all the Bambinellis that the children had made in school this week.


17-12-23 We all had lots of fun at the Parish Christmas market following Mass this morning! Thank you to our steel pan band who played so beautifully. Father Christmas said that all the children are on the good list! Many thanks for all your support!

Our Mini Vinnie group had a stall selling keyrings they had made and also organised a raffle to raise money to buy a CAFOD world gift of a cow. 



Year 4 went to sing Christmas songs at School Court Care Home in Hednesford. They sang beautifully and made the residents Christmas cards which they all loved.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this years shoebox appeal. We have collected 64 gift boxes which will ensure that 64 children will have a present for Christmas! Thank you for your generosity. 13-12-23

Our Nursery children were fantastic telling the Christmas story through song for their parents today. 12-12-23


Members of our School Council delivered our collection to the Food-bank today. Many thanks to everyone for their generosity.

Thank you to everyone who came to Year 3's Advent Prayer Assembly. 8-12-23


The Mini Vinnies have made keyrings and organised a raffle to raise money to buy a CAFOD world gift of a cow.


Vocations Week

This week we thought about our vocation and what God is calling us to do. We enjoyed hearing about other people's vocations - 

Mr Luxton visited each class to talk to the children about his job as a Barrister as part of our vocations week. The children (and staff) were enthralled by his presentation and stories.

Many thanks to Father Jeremy for talking to the children today about his vocation to the Priesthood. Everyone really enjoyed his many stories and hearing about how God called him in many different ways throughout his life!

Mrs Jones came in to tell the children all about her job as a Police officer. 

The Season of Advent


Erin lit the first Advent candle at the beginning of Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church on the first Sunday of Advent. 


It was wonderful to join One Life Music in their Advent livestream assembly. It was lovely to be able to prepare for the season of Advent with prayer and joyful song!



To mark Red Wednesday all the children and staff dressed in red and took part in a livestream assembly where we talked about why we mark Red Wednesday. We prayed for all those people around the world who are persecuted or discriminated against because of their faith or beliefs and raised money to support the great work of #AidToTheChurchInNeed


Our Mini Vinnies group represented our school at the ACN Red Wednesday Mass at St Chads Cathedral in Birmingham on today.


Year 4 visited Our Lady of Lourdes Church today.

Father Jeremy talked to them about Baptism. 


Reception class have been thinking about people who help us. They have been finding out about our Church and Father Jeremy our Priest. They looked at all of the things you would find in a church.


Year 2 visited the war memorial in Hednesford and prayed for all those who have lost their lives in wars. We will remember them. 


Such a beautiful stay and pray today led by Year 1 with a focus on praying the Rosary during the month of October. It was lovely to be joined by so many parents. 

Year 6 led a beautiful stay and pray today focussing on the mysteries of the Rosary. The Father Jeremy and the parents joined in by making a prayer chain with the children. 19-10-23


Today the whole school joined in with “One Million Children Praying the Rosary for Peace and Unity in the World” - an initiative by Aid to the Church in Need.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace… pray for us. 

Well done to the Mini Vinnies for organising the cake sale today!


Our wonderful liturgy leaders!

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Year 5 liturgy leaders led beautiful class prayer reflecting on the glorious mysteries today.


Media conversion failed.

Years 1 and 4 led the family Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church beautifully on Sunday.

Such lovely reading and singing. 8-10-23

Media conversion failed.

Stay and pray Year 2- a beautiful prayer service planned by Year 2 for their parents and joined by Father Jeremy, reflecting on their class saint- St Francis on his feast day - and the end of the season of creation. 4-10-23

Year 3 led a beautiful stay and pray celebrating the feast day of their class saint- St Vincent De Paul. We were joined by many parents and family. 27-9-23


Thank you to everyone who came to our Macmillan coffee morning today. We raised £70.70!


Our new mini vinnies group met today to discuss plans for this year! Father Jeremy joined us for our first meeting. Many thanks to our lovely ladies from the Parish who are going to help run the group!

28-9-23  Some Year 1 children enjoyed helping Mrs Farrah to plant flowers in the Growing Zone for our class saint and to remind us to look after our world during the season of creation.

St Therese of Lisieux is known as the little flower of Jesus.  

Year 4 led the whole school and their families in prayer reflecting on their class Saint- St Theresa of Calcutta

Megan decided to respond to her RE lesson today by writing and performing a rap about how to be a good follower of Jesus! Just brilliant!


The Season of Creation- thank you to all our parents and carers who have completed a pledge as a commitment to care for our wonderful world. A huge difference can be made through a number of small actions. If you haven’t already, please complete your pledge on the strip of paper your child has brought home so it can be added to the children’s pledges on our “Pledgehog” Please read the information leaflet which has been emailed out - caring for our common home - for some ideas! Thank you! #livesimply

19-9-23    Walking with Mary

Such a wonderful day of prayer and reflection with our Cannock family of schools. A beautiful pilgrimage for Year 5 led by Dan and Emily from Onelife music. Sharing our faith together as children of God.

Mary, Queen of heaven...pray for us. 


Welcome Mass with our Parish family at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. 17-9-23

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