St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

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Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Catholic Life 22-23

Catholic Life 2022-23

We celebrated a whole school Mass giving thanks for Year 6 and for all we have learnt this school year. 18-7-23

Well done to the children who received a virtue award this half term for being intentional and prophetic. 


We had a wonderful afternoon on Wednesday when the steel pan club played for all those who attend the “forget me not” group at the Church hall. After the performance everyone enjoyed joining in!

It was wonderful to be able to come together and celebrate a Year 6 Leavers Mass with our Catholic school cluster. We all enjoyed a picnic in the Church grounds after Mass. 4-7-23


Thank you to everyone who came along and participated in the pilgrimage at Our Lady of Lourdes Church on Sunday. It was wonderful to be joined by children and staff from our Catholic School Primary cluster who led the Rosary before Mass and presented flowers at the grotto.

Year 2 prayer assembly


Year 6 had a great time practising their baking skills, ready for their whole school bake sale to raise money for their chosen charity - Cancer Research. Thank you to everyone who bought a cake!


Bishop Stephen visited Year 6 yesterday afternoon before their Confirmation in the evening. The children made him a card to thank him and wish him luck in his new role as Bishop for the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


Congratulations to all the children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation!

Be on fire with the Holy Spirit!

Friends of Hednesford Park

We were blessed with St Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Nursery, Hednesford today to take part in our 'Insect Week' workshops. Thank you to everyone who took part and made insects for the exhibition pieces for our displays and RicNic. #InsectWeek is organised by The Royal Entomological Society to inspire interest and learning about insects in all ages.

Year 5 have taken part in a community initiative as part of their work on Catholic Social teaching focussing on being stewards of creation. 

"In the first pages of the Bible we read how God created the sun and the stars, the water and earth, and every creature. We believe Christ is the redeemer of all creation."

In 2015, Pope Francis brought together decades of Church teaching in the encyclical, Laudato Si’. In this deeply influential letter, Pope Francis invites everyone on the planet to consider how our actions are affecting the earth and the poorest people. Everything is interconnected, and all of creation praises God. It is our Christian vocation to care for creation.   


Thank you to Father Jeremy and all the parents who came to the stay and pray in Reception class today! The children led the prayers so well. Such a beautiful time of prayer and reflection.

June- month of the sacred heart- whole school Mass led by Year 6 and their Reception class buddies. 14-6-23


Thank you to everyone who donated to our food bank appeal. Representatives from our School Council delivered the items to the food bank this morning. All items were gratefully received.


Such a lovely Parish Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church yesterday to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. Well done to all the children in years 1,2 and 6 who read and sang so beautifully.


We are all very proud of Francesca who has had 16 inches of her hair cut to donate to the little Princess Trust. She has also raised £450 and this money will go towards making real hair wigs for children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions. Well done Francesca!

Reception class prayer assembly- reflecting on the Holy Spirit and how God always keeps his promises.  26-5-23


The Liturgy leaders planned and delivered a prayer service for Key Stage 1 reflecting on Mary during the month of May.


Year 5 participated in a workshop to increase their knowledge and understanding of refugees and asylum seekers. They reflected on situations in this world where human beings have become displaced from their homes.

 "I just wanted to say a big thank you and to Mr Sayce and his class for making our workshop such a lovely experience. The class were absolutely wonderful, and we were so impressed by them, their openness to share their experiences and the compassion they showed towards the issues we spoke about. You and your students really demonstrated what a caring school you are."

May Procession 2023.

Our Lady of Lourdes...Pray for Us

We celebrated Mass as a whole school today in thanksgiving for the children in Year 3 who made their First Holy Communion at the weekend. Year 3 led the Mass beautifully and Father presented the children with  their certificates. 17-5-23

Year 3 had a wonderful day at Alton Castle today in preparation for their First Holy Communion.  4-5-23

Congratulations to all the children in Year 3 who made their First Holy Communion today and to all their friends who supported them. Many thanks to Fr Jeremy and to all the staff for their support and prayers.


Year 5 delivered a beautiful assembly today for the school and their parents. Through a story and drama they demonstrated the importance of living out our virtues for this half term- how to be Curious and Active. 

Well done to the children in Year 3 who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this evening, and to their friends who supported them.


We all really enjoyed the Easter Livestream today. Thank you to Dan and Emily for leading us in joyful prayer and song!

Year 6 organised a fantastic Lenten sale at the end of term- raising money for Fr Hudson's Society. 

Well done to everyone who wore a hat to school today as we raise money for brain tumour research and well done to Olivia for organising the event. 

Year 2 enjoyed making kindness cards and going on a walk of kindness into Hednesford town as part of their Big Lent Walk. They delivered cards and flowers to shopkeepers and shoppers in the town. This was part of their Lenten act of giving and thinking of others . What a lovely act of kindness!

The Mini Vinnies have been busy this week making Easter Crosses and prayer cards to be given out to parishioners and also planning events for next term!


5th Sunday in Lent

Well done to all the children in Years 3 and 4 who read and sang so beautifully at Mass this morning. 

The whole school participated in the stations of the cross. A beautiful reflection involving readings and songs as we think about Holy Week and the events that happened leading up to the death of Jesus on Good Friday. 


Year 2 were fantastic litter pickers yesterday! As part of our work towards our CAFOD Livesimply award and linked to Catholic Social teaching the children are working hard to look after the wonderful world God has given us. Year 2  took part in the Great British Spring Clean and had a super time at Hednesford park. The children worked in their house teams to see which team could collect the most litter! The winners were St Patrick’s and St Andrews. They planted seeds to match their house teams - St Andrews - thistles, St David’s - daffodils, St Patrick’s shamrock and St George’s - roses! It was wonderful to be able to support our local community and look after the beautiful world God has given us.

Thank you to everyone who came to Year 3’s Mothers Day Stay and pray this week where we thanked God for our mothers and for Mary our heavenly mother. 


This morning Year 6 organised a Fair Trade coffee morning as part of our work towards our CAFOD Livesimply award. We were joined by many families and parishioners. 
Thank you to everyone who supported our Fairtrade coffee morning today. Year 6 did a fantastic job telling us all about the importance of Fairtrade. Well done !


We had another visit today from Barbara who works for CAFOD. This time Key Stage 2 enjoyed the workshops she delivered reflecting on Catholic Social Teaching. 

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Year 6 and Reception made shamrocks in Buddy time today and learnt all about St Patrick. Year 6 helped their Reception buddies to write a prayer on their shamrock. 


CAFOD Lent National Assembly

We joined in with the National CAFOD assembly where we reflected on the season of Lent, and found out more about the Big Lent Walk and Dristy in Bangladesh.



Thank you to everyone who bought tickets and gave money for our non uniform day in aid of the Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal. We raised an amazing £502 which will be sent to CAFOD. Thank you all for your generosity in reaching out to others in need. 

Year 2 Stay & Pray

The children in Year 2 planned and delivered a beautiful prayer service for their parents on the theme of Lent. 


We had a visit today from Barbara who works for CAFOD. She told us all about the wonderful work of CAFOD and how we can help. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed the workshops she delivered reflecting on Catholic Social Teaching with a focus on human dignity - everyone is special.

Beautiful whole School Mass led by Year 6 to celebrate the  Parish Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes. Well done to our new altar server!

Year 6 have produced some amazing art work based on Confirmation.

Reception Class have been learning all about St Bernadette this week. They said a prayer and wrote sentences about what Mary asked Bernadette to do! 

Well done to all the children who received virtue awards this half term for being ELOQUENT & TRUTHFUL

A beautiful Parish Mass to celebrate Our Parish Feast day yesterday- the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Year 6 led the Mass with their Buddies from Reception class. Thank you to all the children and their families who joined us at Mass- beautiful singing and reading!

Father Jeremy came in to talk to Reception Class about Baptism. He was very impressed with how much they knew!


Beautiful prayer service today planned and led by Year 2, reflecting on sharing fairly, linking to Catholic Social Teaching. 

2-2-23 After Mass this morning Father blessed our new Bibles. 

Year 1 Stay & Pray

Such beautiful singing at Mass this morning from the children in years 1 and 2. What a wonderful celebration for our school and parish family



Beautiful singing at Mass this morning. Such a beautiful Mass led by Year 3 praying for Christian unity. 

It was wonderful to welcome the families of Reception Class who joined us for Stay & Pray this week. The children helped us to reflect on Baptism and being part of God's family. 


Thank you to all our families for their generosity this Advent. These shoeboxes will send a message of hope and love to children in need across the world.


Whole School end of term Advent Mass led by Year 5

Virtues Awards
Faith-Filled and Hopeful
Autumn term 2

Such a beautiful Christingle in Church this week. Our Key Stage 2 children led us so beautifully in prayer and song allowing us all to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Thank you to all the children who brought their beautiful Bambinellis they made in school to Mass on Sunday to be blessed!
We are waiting…

During Advent the Mini Vinnies have been making cards for the sick and elderly of the Parish during their lunchtimes. 

Thank you to all the parents who completed our Catholic Life questionnaire. We are delighted that 100% of parents are happy with their child’s overall Catholic experience at St Joseph's!

What parents say about the Catholic life at St Joseph's School-

St Joseph’s has helped my child to grow as a person.

I feel my child really benefits from the strong Catholic ethos the school shows. The values that are taught will help throughout their lives.

I really like the Catholic ethos in school and feel it has helped my child develop into a kind and compassionate person.

My child enjoys the children’s liturgy at Church

It is great to see how much RE is learnt in the classroom and in the RE books.

Excellent culture and school ethos which runs through all aspects of school life.

We are pleased that the school is a happy, loving and safe environment for our child.

We are really pleased with how the school encourages the children to learn about Religion and God. Our child has been really enthusiastic about attending Church and Father Jeremy.

He talks about God and the Holy family “Mother Mary” daily and enjoys praying at home.

We are so impressed with the Catholic ethos of the school and the teachings in everyday life.

Our son sings hymns and says prayers he has learned at school- we encourage this at home.

My child often recalls what he has learnt in school and if there has been a special event or assembly.


Today Year 4 all wore red to mark Red Wednesday. This is an annual event organised by Aid to the Church in Need highlighting the suffering of Christians around the world who are persecuted because of their beliefs.

The Mini Vinnies planned and led a prayer service and the children prayed for families and children all over the world who are suffering violence for being a Christian.

Happy Feast of Christ the King

During November we remember all those who have died.


Today Year 2 walked to Hednesford War Memorial for a special celebration. A replica of an original sign was installed today at the exact time and date the War Memorial was opened a hundred years ago by Princess Alice. The children listened to some reflections and planted some poppies in remembrance of all those who died.

We will remember them

Reception Class have been very busy this week! They designed a Church and then made one altogether as a class. They learnt all about the things you would find in a Church! Great teamwork Reception Class!

(if you look closely you can even see Fr Jeremy in the Church)

Please click the following link for the ten ten parent newsletter for information about school assemblies for the month of November and ideas for praying with your child at home. Parent Newsletter

A huge thank you to Dan and Emily from One Life Music who led our whole school retreat today - Let All Creation Sing! Such a joyful day thanking and praising God for the beautiful world that He has given us. Such amazing singing from our wonderful children! Such a great day!

Thank you so much to our families at St. Joseph's for their generous donations this Harvest and thank you to our School Council for their work organising the collection. Our local foodbanks will be very grateful to receive these items.


Nursery have been learning all about Creation. They went on a Creation walk around the school with their home made 'Creation binoculars'. The children also decorated a special bag to take home for them to find one special item from Creation to put in it. They had a special celebration and wrote a prayer together. The children took it in turns to place their 'special item from Creation' in the basket and thanked God for it. 

What an absolute privilege to pray in the presence of St Bernadette as her relics visited our Parish this weekend! Thank you to all the pupils who led our prayer service and to everyone who attended.
St Bernadette… Pray For Us  

8/9th October 2022


Today is the feast day of Year 2s class saint, St Francis of Assisi. He is the patron saint of animals and ecology. We decided to go out into the nature area and explore the prayer garden. We said prayers to thank God for our wonderful creation.


Today we joined together in prayer to give thanks for the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. We reflected on her life of faith and service.  

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