St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

"To inspire, to learn, to love with God."

Welcome to St Joseph's website

Hill Top, Hednesford, Cannock, Staffordshire WS12 1DE

01543 227225

Catholic Life

Catholic Life

Well done to our Mini Vinnies who raised £120 for the SVP.

As a thank you they were sent a Vinnie Bear!


Year 1 really enjoyed their Stay and Pray last week all about being a pilgrim of hope in this Jubilee year. Thank you to everyone who joined us.  


What a beautiful Mass this morning for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The children's candles they had made in school were beautiful! Thank you to everyone who came along. #candlemas

Key Stage 1 Advent Fundraising 2024

Key Stage 2 Carol Service at Our Lady of Lourdes Church



Year 3 sang so beautifully at the "forget me not" club in the Church hall today. Spreading Christmas joy in our community!

Year 5 visited Kingsley Cottage this morning bringing them some Christmas joy. They sang beautifully and gave out cards they had made to all the residents. 


It was wonderful to see all the pupils, staff and families from St Joseph’s and Cardinal Griffin schools who joined together for Gaudete Sunday Mass this morning, with the blessing of the Bambinellis. We all had fun at the Christmas market afterwards!



The Mini Vinnies ran a stall at the Christmas market selling all of the crafts they had made- raising money for The St Vincent De Paul Society. 

Our Mini Vinnies have been busy making this beautiful Nativity scene- well done!

Reception Class Nativity 2025

Key Stage 1 Nativity Play 

December 2025


Year 4 had such a lovely morning singing for the residents at school court. They sang beautifully.

Many thanks to our wonderful Miss Ridley!


Thank you to everyone who joined us for Year 4 Stay & Pray today


Year 6 visited the residents of Windsor House and sang Christmas songs as part of the ecumenical service led by Father Jeremy. 

Our wonderful art club produced some fantastic Nativity pictures to put on display in Tesco, Hednesford! Spreading the true meaning of Christmas in our community. 


We really enjoyed joining with our local community and taking part in St Peter's Christmas Tree festival this year. 


The school council organised a collection for the foodbank. Thank you to everyone who contributed. 



Year 4 visited Church to discuss Baptism with Father Jeremy. They asked some really interesting questions and shared their knowledge of the signs and symbols of Baptism. 


It was wonderful to welcome our MP into school today. Year 6 had sent him letters regarding climate change and they asked him many interesting questions regarding what the Government are doing in regards to looking after our world. 


Today staff and pupils joined in with Red Wednesday, raising awareness for those who are persecuted because of their faith. we all wore something red and joined in with a livestream assembly led by Aid to the Church in Need. 


Many  thanks to everyone who joined us for Stay and Pray in Year 3 today. 


It was wonderful for children and staff to join our Parish family at Mass today. Thank you to our amazing children for supporting in so many ways including reading, singing, signing and making and giving out poppies to the parishioners. Happy birthday to Fr Jeremy from everyone at St Joseph's School. 

The whole school joined in with "One million children praying the Rosary for world peace". Pope Francis thanked all the children who joined in across the world. "Thank  you to all the boys and girls who are participating! Let us join with them and entrust to the intercession of Our Lady tormented Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan and the other populations who suffer because of war and any form of violence and misery."


To celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, Year 1 made beautiful animals using clay and natural objects and said prayers in the prayer garden. 


A huge thank you to Emily and Dan One Life Music for organising an amazing day of pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes today. The Y5 pupils from across the cluster had a fantastic time. 


It was wonderful to welcome Fr Peter and Fr Royston into school last week as part of the Parish Mission. They visited each classroom, spoke to the children and celebrated Mass. </div>
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Year 4 presented a lovely assembly for the school and their parents today about their class saint- St Teresa of Calcutta



Year 5 Stay & Pray


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